Friday, December 21, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

15 Hair Care Myths

15 Hair Care Myths

Everyone has a favourite myth about hair care – and we usually never let the truth get in the way of a good legend! This article examines some of the most widely known - and the reality behind the myths.

1. Excessive washing of hair causes hair loss/dryness
FALSE: Frequency of washing doesn’t harm hair. Wash it as often as you like, although the recommendation is three times a week. The right shampoo for your hair type and texture will actually add moisture, body and beauty to your hair.

2. More shampoo = cleaner hair
FALSE: Don’t waste your shampoo! A dollop of shampoo, about the size of a quarter is usually enough for long hair. Very long hair may take a little more.

3. Conditioner helps repair split ends
FALSE: No conditioner can "repair" damaged hair. What it can do is smooth down the cuticle and make hair seem in better condition. A good conditioner can also prevent damage from occurring in the first place.

4. Blow-drying produces hair loss
FALSE: Blow-drying can damage, burn or dry hair, which can cause it to fall, but the hair will grow back immediately. This is not permanent hair loss.

5. Sleeping with wet hair causes scalp fungus
FALSE: Scalp or fungal diseases can’t be caught from sleeping with wet scalps. Scalp infections require prior involvement with infected sources such as humans, tainted hair care tools or animals. Scalp fungus (tinea capitis) mainly affects children, whose immune systems make them more susceptible to skin infections.

6. To get your hair to grow, brush 100 strokes each day
FALSE: Brushing that much can damage the hair cuticle. NOT recommended! Actually, your hair reacts better to a comb than a brush. Brushing it will only lead to split ends and hair breakage.

7. Sharing combs and brushes can spread scalp diseases
TRUE: Lice and other parasites can be transported from scalp to scalp through the sharing of combs, brushes and other hair care tools.

8. Cutting hair makes it grow faster and/or thicker
FALSE: This common misconception comes from the fact that hair is thicker at the base than it is at the tip, so shorter hair appears thicker at first. Cutting your hair does not affect its normal biologically determined growth rate or overall texture. Thin, limp or fine hair will not ever grow thicker in response to a haircut. Plump up your hair by using volume enhancing hair care products, experimenting with a hair fattening blunt cut or getting a texturizing perm or color treatment.

9. Color treatment causes hair loss
FALSE: Most hair coloring products contain chemicals that can do serious harm to the hair itself if not properly used, but it wont instigate hair loss.

10. Salon products are identical to drugstore products
FALSE: Although there are exceptions, salon products generally contain higher quality, more expensive ingredients that are designed to consistently provide more intensive cleansing, moisturizing and conditioning results. The quality ingredients found in salon products are not usually found in drugstore brands. If in doubt – read the labels.

11. Long sun exposure favors hair loss
FALSE: Your hair acts as a shield against the sun. Hair loss appears at the follicle level and so the sun would have to penetrate at this depth to do any damage.

12. Diet is related to hair loss
TRUE: it's important to eat right in order to be generally healthy. However, no individual food has been proven to be beneficial or detrimental to hair.

13. Stress causes hair loss
TRUE: Severe stress (e.g. surgery or a death in the family), can shut down hair production, causing temporary hairloss (alopecia areata). The scalp usually recuperates, though, and hair grows back

14. Wearing tight braids, ponytails or buns causes baldness
TRUE: Traction alopecia is a very real hair loss condition that is quite common amongst older African American women. It results from wearing tight ponytails, cornrows or buns over an extended period of time. Over time, hair breakage or loss as the result of tight, stressed styles, can become permanent. Avoid this potential problem by opting for looser styles that minimize scalp tension.

15. Smoking causes gray hair
TRUE: According to J. G. Mosley of the Leigh Infirmary in Lancashire, England in an article in Science News (January 11, 1997) smokers are four times more likely to have gray hair than non-smokers. Even worse, smoking has been conclusively linked to accelerated hair loss.


Heard another myth about hair? Do your research – ask an expert! This doesn’t include your grandmother, best friend or local barmaid. Instead, talk to an experienced hairdresser or a trichologist. Always get the real facts before you act on any hair myths – you owe it to your hair.

Can Vitamin E Cure Almost Everything?

Can Vitamin E Cure Almost Everything?

Vitamin E is an absolutely vital nutrient in your body, but it probably can't do half the things you heard it can.

What does vitamin E do?

To begin, it is an antioxidant. It tames dangerous free radicals and helps prevent blood clots and blockages in coronary arteries. Research points to its ability to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart attacks and some cancers.
Vitamin E is also believed to slow the aging process and to help nerve conduction. Most importantly, it works to enhance and even protect vitamin C and Vitamin A.
There is also promising research that vitamin E might help prevent or slow the onset of cataracts in the eyes.
Vitamin E has been touted as a cure for just about everything but a broken heart. I am sure that's coming, though. Here are just a few of the diseases and conditions vitamin E has been credited with curing or preventing:
• Parkinson's disease
• Infertility in both men and women
• Alzheimer's disease
• Hepatitis
• eye tissue inflammation
• fibromylagia
• hair loss
• PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome)
• heavy menstruation
• healing wounds
• diabetes
• atherosclerosis
• menopause
• osteoarthritis
• even restless leg syndrome!
It might well prove that vitamin is helpful in some of these and other conditions, but probably not in many or even most of them.
As with many vitamins, there is a raging debate over how much vitamin E you need. The US recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 8-10 milligrams per day. But most people in the nutrition field believe that to capture the long-term benefits, people need 10 to 20 times that quantity, which is well short of the maximum recommended 1,000 milligrams.
Vitamin E is found in many foods in small quantities. The good news is that almost everyone gets sufficient vitamin E to avoid a deficiency, with a few exceptions noted below. The bad news is that most people do not get the RDA. This is definitely a vitamin that should be supplemented.
Be careful about what supplements you choose, since the synthetic version of vitamin E is not even half effective as in its natural form. Look for nutritional supplements containing natural vitamin E, preferably in liquid form.
People on low fat diets need supplements the most, since fats and oils are the largest sources of vitamin E. Nuts and green, leafy vegetables are also good sources, as are egg yolks and liver. So are whole grains.
Vitamin E probably will never cure your broken heart, nor live up to half of the claims people make about it. But it is an important vitamin for maintaining good health and it is needed in quantities above what most people take in their diet.

Vitamins and Minerals You Need To Reduce Hair Loss

Vitamins and Minerals You Need To Reduce Hair Loss

Some common myths have arisen concerning hair loss. Because of medical advancements many of these myths are being corrected. For starters, although androgenetic alopecia, pattern baldness, is genetic and can be hereditary, it is not passed down through only your mother's side of the family. Either side of the family can pass down the genetic disposition toward baldness. Also, contrary to old family tales, wearing hats does not cause baldness either.

Most common hair loss comes under what has been commonly known as Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). Although referred to as MPB, females also suffer from MPB, so it is better to call MPB androgenetic alopecia.

Although hair loss is not life threatening, it is an indication of your internal health and it can cause you serious problems with an image and self-confidence. There has been no absolute cure found for hair loss, and many factors of hair loss are hereditary, however there are several preventative measures you can take to maintain healthy hair and scalp.

Diet, Nutrition and Hair Loss

Keeping your body healthy reflects on the health of your hair. If your lifestyle is not healthy, it will eventually reflect on your head. You will start to lose your hair and fulfill your genetic coding. To keep healthy, as a reminder, you need to eat in the proper fashion, exercise, and stay away from any kind of drugs - both medical and recreational.

To define what a healthy diet is, to preventing hair loss, can be individual and quite complex. But the main vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that you need to take or eat to maintain healthy hair are:

* vitamin A

* all B vitamins-particularly vitamins B-6 and B-12, folic acid, biotin

* vitamin C

* vitamin E

* copper, iron, zinc, iodine, silica

* essential fatty acids

* protein

* four - 6 glass of water.

The best way for you to maintain a healthy vitamin and mineral intake is a good diet. Vitamins and minerals are abundant in raw fruits and vegetables. Eat them in the morning or as in between meal snacks. A good mineral supplement would be an electrolyte liquid mineral product.

It is not necessary or advisable to go out and buy a bunch of over-the-counter vitamin supplements in order to achieve your suggested nutritional levels. Many over-the-counter vitamins are chemically processed and are not completely absorbed.

It is also easy to overdose yourself with over the counter vitamins, particularly when taking supplements of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals, causing toxicity and adverse reactions. The likelihood of doing this is far less with food; therefore it is always best to obtain the bulk of your vitamin and mineral requirements from whole organic raw foods.

Several tips to Stop Baldness

Several tips to Stop Baldness

Technically known as alopecia, baldness means thinning
or loss of hair as a result of illness, functional disorder, or
hereditary disposition.

There could be many types of baldness, major among
these are patches of baldness getting usually grow back,
rapid shedding after childbirth, fever, or sudden weight
loss and thinning from tight braids or ponytails. baldness
can be found in males and females both, but men are
more susceptible to this phenomenon. This has been
attributed to male sex hormone called testosterone.
Some of the other culprits causing baldness are scalp
infection, oiliness or dirtiness of the scalp and hair, and
excessive lacquering of hair.

Alopecia areata is yet another cause of hair loss or
baldness, this dermatological disease is caused by
person's own immunity attacking the hair follicles.

Hair loss is not a quick fire phenomenon. Hair loss or
baldness takes a long time, unless otherwise because of
chemotherapy. Not every male will experience baldness,
but for sure, he will have thin hair over a period of time.
Although lot of research has taken place in this area,
nothing exact has been found to arrest hair loss or stop
balding process. It is estimated that around 100 hairs are
lost in a 24-hour cycle. This doesn't mean baldness.

For years wiser people have been discussing effect of
diet on baldness. Wholesome silica, calcium & iron rich
diet can reduce hair loss or arrest baldness. Studies in
the past have shown that silica therapy slowed baldness.
Shampoo containing organic silica was found to help
prevent baldness, stimulate hair growth and assure
beautiful shine, luster and strength. Outer coverings of
potatoes, green & red peppers and cucumbers contain
silica. Bean sprouts are also high in silica. Eat whole
foods including sprouts.

Good intake of vegetables can improve your vitamin C
score leading to higher iron absorption. Vitamin E is
important for healthy hair growth. Eat avocados, nuts,
seeds, and olive oil on a regular basis. If thyroid
dysfunction is the cause of baldness vitamin A and iodine
food can help prevent baldness. Eat vegetables such as
carrots or spinach in unrefined, cold-pressed seed oils
such as flax, walnut or pumpkin seed and sea salt. Take
turnips, cabbage, mustard, soy beans, peanuts, pine nuts
and millet if there is a deficiency of iodine. Dried fruits,
green & leafy vegetables, cherry juice are good sources.
Diet should avoid these - cold foods & drinks, sugary
foods, fatty foods, animal protein, fruit, especially citrus,
tomatoes, tofu, millet, salt and dairy products.

Gastrointestinal tract can be the culprit for female
baldness. It could be a sign of insufficient stomach acids;
It could also mean a deficiency of protein, zinc and other
nutrients. Taking two acidophilus tablets after or between
meals (four to six tablets per day) for two months will
help. Females are greatly affected due to anemic
conditions, leading to accelerated baldness.

5 Simple Signs to Tell if it is Acid Reflux or Heart Pain

5 Simple Signs to Tell if it is Acid Reflux or Heart Pain

Chest pain can be a very scary, serious issue. If you are one of many Americans at risk for heart disease, it can be even more frightening. But sometimes chest pain isn't heart related, it is a digestive issue.
Heartburn, or it's more serious cousin acid reflux, affects millions of people everyday. The symptoms of both heart problems and acid reflux are very similar, but the treatment is obviously very different. It's easy to mistake one for the other because the esophagus is located behind the heart in the chest cavity.
Identifying the real problem when you have chest pain is very important. Here's a few things to look out for. But remember, when in doubt see your health care provider.

1. Burning in the throat due to stomach acid. This is an extension of the heartburn pain caused by acid reflux. Pain caused by stomach acid regurgitating into the esophagus and mouth is due to acid reflux, not heart problems.

2. Chest pain that begins or increases with exercise is more likely due to a heart problem. Acid reflux symptoms don't change with physical exertion. The heart experiences stress during physical exercise that can manifest potential problems within.

3. Coughing, wheezing, breathing problems, acid regurgitation, bitterness in the mouth: these are all signs of acid reflux disease. The acid entering the esophagus is to blame for each of these symptoms, some of which can be very pronounced. Pregnant women seem to be prone to heartburn during the last two trimesters where a growing fetus crowds the space the stomach normally occupies. For these women, and others in high risk groups, understanding their propensity to heartburn is also important. For example, some pregnant women with chest pain find themselves in the hospital thinking they are having heart attacks, when in fact they are having very serious acid reflux. Again, knowing you are susceptible to acid reflux can help you identify the cause of your symptoms.

4. Numbness or tingling in the arm or arms can be a symptom of a heart attack, and is generally not a symptom of acid reflux. Obviously these symptoms are serious and should be treated immediately by a health care professional.

5. Increased pain after meals is usually a symptom of acid reflux disease. Overeating or bending over after eating can exacerbate the problems, which are not heart related. The extra acid a stomach releases to digest food is to blame for the increased discomfort after meals. While these acids are effective in helping the digestive process, they can be very detrimental for those who suffer from acid reflux disease.

Acid reflux disease and heart disease do share some of the same symptoms, but with careful attention and the help of a health care professional, you can determine which of these issues is causing your chest pain.

Beauty as a Sexual Object

Beauty as a Sexual Object

To fall in love -- considered by some as the ultimate quest in life, and prepared by others with a constant and unending flow of fantasies, dreams, and enchanting ideas. And what we find sometimes to be so uniquely freakish of a fetish of our own, so personally vaulted and denied at every conscious inquiry -- we find, in fact, that it is a secrecy of our own sexuality and our own fantasies, that disallows us from discovering that, what we find to be deviant is actually commonplace in the minds of all individuals. There is no person whose sexual ideas are unique, no fantasy of anyone that is not based on the same roots of the fantasies of others. This is sexuality, a social and emotional facet of every human. So, it must be granted as truth, that it is the repression of sexuality in our society, that convinces us that our own sexuality is a freak, a deviancy, an intolerably disgusting and improper attitude. Despite the fact that sexuality has been an intrinsic part of the lives of the hundreds and hundreds of millions of people, or the hundreds of billions of animals, there are still some puritanical ideas of people to oppose it. And, even if sexuality weren't commonplace, one would think that the argument of "so long as none are harmed, let it be," would be enough to justify it. I think that it was not a matter of argument, but one of shame and repression, that granted the puritan-minded people to believe and preach as they do.

If, in fact, those of the puritanical ideas had no conception of sexuality, I do not believe they could have the will to rally against sex. If it is just a fact of life, nothing that personally effected them, then it would not be something they could muster so much unforgiving hate for. Alas, I do not think these puritanical ideas have done much of anything to uplift the personality of goodness or the character of charity. The idea that sex is an evil is not a friend of the ideals of kindness, intelligence, or truth. These puritanical soldiers have done nothing but bog down the structure of civilization, waging a war against our own animal nature. By seeing their own feelings of sexuality, experiencing the desires and urges, the thoughts and inhibitions, puritans find themselves villified with their own character, ashamed and mortified. I think that people manage to put anger, passion, and strong, powerful emotions into vengeance, when it is their own personal nature that they are attacking. The puritans have allowed themselves to be cruel, brutal, and absolutely cold blooded in their war against sex. As the blood running through civilization warmed, the extent to which they were allowed to fight has been limited and limited. Tortures and murders were an intrinsic part of the original Puritan culture, when it came to their attitude about punishing sex.

It is a rather popular statement, that beaty is in the eye of the beholder. Yet everyone seems to interpret this statement differently. The fact that someone or something is beuatiful is only true because there is a critic to call it that. No artwork exemplified beauty without an onlooker, no song brought forward melody without a listener, no poem created peacefulness or rage without a reader. There can be no argument to this. We find, also, that just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is ugliness in the eye of the beholder. The same artwork that was called beautiful by one may be called ugly, disgusting, or otherwise unappealing by another. It is here that the true meaning of the phrase may be captured. The only reason why something is appealing or unappealing, attractive or unattractive, is because there is a mind in the sensory organs there to judge. The ideas of what is or is not gorgeous, enchanting, homely, or wretched are all dependent upon the viewer. Then we apply these ideas to a person. One's voice is seen as glorious in tone or rancid in quality. The face and body become a considerable work of art or a defaced panting, or something in between or to a more extreme. Judging a body and a face, though, as beautiful or ugly, is a much different action than judging a painting as either beautiful or ugly.

A person, unlike a painting or a poem, is conscious, capable of emotion and happiness. All of a sudden, their physical attributes become subject to criticism and judgment. What is the purpose, though, of finding someone attractive or unattractive? The simple and obvious answer is for thepurpose of mating and procreation. Now that the reason for appeal or unappeal, in a person's beauty anyway, has been uncovered, another question remains open. If a person's outter shell can be judged as ugly or beautiful, by one person or another, and since this judgment does not help us to determine their character, should we disregard beauty and ugliness as a deterent to a person's true self?

Of those individuals who call themselves Freethinkers, artists, independent minds, lovers of intelligence and friends of liberty, it is the typical attitude that a person's emotions and way of thinking is in fact a part of their intrinsic self. There can be no greater proof of this than experience: beautiful people may be cruel and heartless, as the ugly people can be intelligent and meaningful, and vice versa. A person's beauty does not determine the way they think. It does not make them more kind or charitable, nor does it instill in them attributes of vice or cruelty. This fact, I imagine will meet with no argument from those whom have experienced the world. The Freethinkers, though, have further advanced this position, by incorporating this philosophy int their personal lives. They do not judge people on their image, and accept friendship and affection from someone regardless of theri looks, and they are not less scornful of a brutal person no matter their beauty. They have taken a rational position and they must be commended for that. In another way, some of them have incorporated their philosophy into their sexuality, either consciously or unconsciously. For example, they find someone attractive based on their ideas, their character, their way of thinking and personality. One's physical body becomes esxually arrousing once they are identified with ideas of justice and goodness. They have not warded off human sexuality, so they have much more mindfulness and personal awareness than the puritans. In some cases, a Freethinker who fell in love with someone for their ideas, after the berakup, individuals they see resembling their initial love, even if socially considered unattractive, are considered attractive by the Freethinker.

So it happens, that the phrase comes to us, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," and we find that beautiful and ugly are relative terms, subjective in that they are exsiting only in the mind. Our natural response to this is that a person cannot wholly be judged by their physical, since they are conscious. they are capable of thoughts, ideas, emotions. Thus we find every Freethinker and independent individual falling in love with a personality of a person, irregardless of physical appeal.

There is one fact that must be treated, though. An individual cannot have sex with a personality. As much as the idea is desired, physical affection cannot be given to a thought, an idea, or a character. It is necessary that a body is there. Admiration of an individual and their thoughts is never so pure or heart-warming as when there is a face for that individual, by which emotions and even ideas can be expressed. The look of ease, of a person laying down at the end of a long day, or a look of interest and intrigue, fascinated by the current occurrences, or a look of boldness and strength, defending what we believe in and what we fight for. The analytical expression, unsatisfied with what we know, delving through thoughts, facts, memories, to develope a more just theory -- the expression of deep thought, it allows us a a greater admiration of the deep thought itself. Nothing can greater express sadness than a story one wished to levie by retelling, accompanied by tears.

This is just the face alone: eyes compliment diw th brows, a mouth given a tongue, and a nose, the rest covered with skin enveloping ten thousand muscle strands, all of which can combine to tell us thoughts and emotions. Anger and aggression, sadness and solemnness, pleasure and euphoria, exhaustion and rest -- all feelings by which we can purely communicate to another by the contraction or relaxation of our face muscles. The blessing of the voice adds to whatever feeling we are comunicating, even if we are not speaking actual words. In fact, the emotion or facial expression delivers is dramatically heightened and empathically understood those vocal sounds which transcend all human language, particularly when we express a sudden pain, joy, or understanding.

Then, we are to consider the rest of the body. There are few words so reassuring, as a gentle, affectionate, and understanding touch. The idea of love can be written in a million poems and a thousand essays, which help us understand it in a reflective manner, but few things are so realistically understood as love when through the physical act of it; it is so logical to believe that experience is necessary to knowledge in this situation, just as it is impossible to know the true nature of terror without going through war, or other experiences. Lips, eyelashes, and other facial features, gently caressing, touching, or nuzzling the intimate or even common parts of the body: love-making, never so real or pure as can be demonstrated through experience. Those gentle parts, the neck, the stomach, the inner arms, find themselves also to be the most intimately felt. Perhaps it is the nature of evolution: ourselves becoming most protective of our most vulnerable parts, that they can also be the most intimate parts, because we feel that we want our lovers to feel those parts which we are most aware of. The other parts, the spinal column, the inner fore arms, the hands, though we are not only protective of them, we regard them during sex as gentle and intimate.

Understand, though, that up to this point, of the necessity of a body for physical expression and physcial love, I have said nothing of beauty, spoken no words on one's complection as it is concerned to sex. I have only demonstrated the purity of expression when physical, when either in body and through the face. Yet there may be something rather unsettling, or otherwise seemingly contradictory about these thoughts. Those who have based their opinion on Freethought and independence, have argued that the physical complection, of beautiful or ugly, is not accurately indicative of a person's inner character. But, on the other hand, the body allows us the most pure and affectionate method of expressing our desires.

I suppose that it must be admitted that one's body and face is an important part of love and sexuality. Whether we find one's body to be beautiful or not, the existence of such a body is important. But, beauty can even play a positive role in this. A body may in fact be considered indefferent, perhaps somewhat ugly or holmely. But, once that body has a personality, an opinion, an ideal, a character, these things alone may be enough for us to find them attractive physically. The same can be said of a body we initially find attractive, but then we hear a rather unintelligent, thoughtless mind speak, a rather cocky personality, and an otherwise unattractive character, and we find them ugly physically. It is not always the case, but it happens to be true often. Thus, beauty, no matter what it comes from, a physical complection, is necessary to a meaningful relationship.

Before ending this dissertation, there are still some thoughts on beauty that will not rest in my heart until I have fully explained them. As I stated before, there are many people who would find it immature or thoughtless to love or deeply care about someone just by their physical complection. But, it is almost a thing of serenity, when a young boy's passions are enveloped around just the image of a girl. Granted, he may not be thoughtful in his quest, but he is listening to his desires. The thoughts and ideas that are spurning in his mind may be misguided, but they are gorgeous, wonderful, and even comforting. Fantasies may be pplayed out where just a kindly personality is placed in the boy's fictionaly apparition of her. He will feel joy when he imagines her impressed with every aspect of him, and very loving and caring of him. The same can be said of a girl and her affection for any handsome man.

With this, I end. I can only hope that I have enlightened some minds.

Stretch Marks: Prevention And Treatment During Pregnancy

Stretch Marks: Prevention And Treatment During Pregnancy

More than half of all pregnant women will develop stretch marks during their pregnancy. Otherwise known as striae gravidarum, stretch marks look like streaks on the surface of the skin, and may be vary in color depending on your natural skin color. Most lighter skinned women develop pinkish stretch marks, whereas darker skinned women tend to have stretch marks that are lighter than the surrounding skin.

Most women develop stretch marks on their abdomen during pregnancy, however it is also common to get stretch marks on the buttocks, hips, breasts and thighs. In some cases up to 90 percent of women have stretch marks on some part of their body as a result of pregnancy.

What Causes Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks form when your skin is stretched rapidly as happens during pregnancy. Most women develop stretch marks during the later trimesters of pregnancy though some women start to develop them as soon as their bellies start growing.

Stretch marks are actually small tears that form in the tissue that supports the skin and helps it stretch. Stretch marks represent the tearing or separation of collagen from the skin when tearing occurs. Stretch marks are not harmful or painful and usually fade over time.

Who Gets Stretch Marks

Many women believe that using lotions and creams help prevent stretch marks. Realistically speaking however, the number of stretch marks you get depends on how elastic your skin is. The elasticity of your skin usually relates to your genetic make up. The best thing you can do is find out if your mother got bad stretch marks during pregnancy. If she did, you are probably more prone to stretch marks than other women.

Keep in mind the more weight you gain during pregnancy the more likely you are to have stretch marks. Normally the skin is elastic and capable of stretching quite a bit, however for some women the changes that occur during pregnancy are very drastic. These rapid fluctuations of weight and skin stretching can result in stretch marks.

Women with multiples are more likely to get stretch marks because their bellies usually grow much larger than women with single pregnancies. Other women likely to develop stretch marks include women who gain a lot of weight quickly during their pregnancy and women who carry big babies.

Here are some other factors that may contribute to your susceptibility to stretch marks:

* If you developed stretch marks before (like on your breasts during puberty) you are more likely to get stretch marks while pregnant.

* If you had stretch marks during another pregnancy you will usually get them again.

* If you are overweight or gain more weight than recommended you are more likely to get stretch marks.

* The better hydrated and well nourished you are the less likely you are to develop serious stretch marks.

Stretch Mark Prevention

Most women believe that they can prevent stretch marks by using creams and lotions. There are many formulations on the market today that claim to help prevent stretch marks. Some of these may help moisturize your skin and reduce itching. They may help reduce some stretch marks however there are no scientific studies that support this.

You probably know at least one parent however that swears by cocoa butter or some other formulation to prevent stretch marks. If nothing else rubbing these creams into your belly provides your unborn baby with a light and comforting massage. They may also give you peace of mind knowing you did everything possible to prevent stretch marks.

The best thing you can do to minimize stretch marks aside from using any creams or moisturizers you select is gaining the recommended amount of weight during pregnancy. Doctors recommend most women gain between 25 and 34 pounds. Gaining much more than this can cause you to develop more stretch marks.

Removing Stretch Marks

Most women worry about stretch marks after they have their baby. Fortunately most stretch marks do fade with time. Usually after 12 moths postpartum most stretch marks are light and less noticeable. Their texture may remain different from the surrounding skin however. Many women notice their stretch marks fading into whitish lines that are minimally noticeable.

Some women have very severe stretch marks that impact their self esteem after pregnancy. There are many treatments available for women that want to improve the appearance of their stretch marks.

If your stretch marks are particularly bad, you may consult with your doctor or a dermatologist. Some topical treatments such as tretinoin cream can help reduce stretch marks. These creams must be used after pregnancy however, because they can cause defects in your unborn baby.

Most of the topical treatments available should be used shortly after delivery, before they start to fade. The more time that passes between the delivery and use of cream, the less likely they are to be effective.

If you are breastfeeding it is important you consult with your doctor before using any stretch mark treatments. Some treatments may impact your milk supply or pass through the breast milk to your baby.

Most of the creams available to reduce stretch marks do not help relieve the sagging skin that also accompanies childbirth. There are some newer treatments including laser treatments however that may improve the skins elasticity and help reduce stretch marks. Some women also consider plastic surgery after they are done having children. A tummy tuck can help hide some stretch marks and reduce sagging skin.

Most women are able to joyfully overlook stretch marks when they consider the miracle of life they bring into the world. For the most the small annoyance even the worst stretch marks bring are well worth the joys of bringing a newborn baby into the world. Do what you can during pregnancy to maintain an appropriate weight and try not to worry too much about stretch marks. Many women wear them with pride, a ‘war wound’ or “badge of honor” related to their pregnancy. Why not wear them with pride?



Let us talk about beauty from a different angle!

We have our own criteria for judging the beauty of a woman. We look the beauty of a lady from a certain angle and then pass the remarks whether she is beautiful or not. It’s not fair. Let me tell every woman that she is unique and beautiful.

The business of beauty is thriving everywhere. Women are spending much of their time and money on buying beauty products. Even in the third world countries, women living below the poverty line, buy cheap and substandard beauty products, which give more harm to their skin than good.

It’s the fundamental right of every woman to look beautiful. Every woman wants to listen the sweet words “you are beautiful”. But the beauty of a woman is far from her looks or figure. Physical beauty is only one aspect while a beautiful charming personality is a complete blend of many fine characteristics such as good manners, etiquette, behavior, smile, intelligence, sense of humor, social and family values etc., all make a woman look beautiful and attractive.

Didn’t you know that there is a marked difference between a carefully hand woven expensive Persian carpet and a cheap machine made carpet. Both of these cannot be equated. A beautiful woman is like an elegant hand-knotted Persian carpet. Each and every silky, colorful thread of her character, nicely woven into her personality, gives a woman an everlasting beauty and attraction.

Looks are very important indeed but the characteristics of a person are much more important. Besides taking care of your physical beauty, why not think of improving your inner beauty. The beauty which everyone admires is becoming a rare commodity these days. While on your way to a beauty parlor keep on thinking ways of improving your inner beauty.

Take care of yourself and take care of your inner beauty. No doubt you are a beautiful person.

Backache? Headache? Your BRA Could Be The Cause!

Backache? Headache? Your BRA Could Be The Cause!

Studies have shown that up to, and perhaps even more than, 70% of women are wearing the wrong size bra. Some women have never been properly measured, others have been buying the same size bra for many years (and many dress sizes!) after their last measurement.

The size which suits you now is unlikely to be the size which suits you forever. It's no secret that a woman's bust size changes over time due to natural variations such as weight gain/loss, pregnancy, menstrual cycle etc. In addition, even the most expensive bras do not remain the same size and are to be expected to stretch by as much as 4 inches after a few washes and with wear.

In addition, the right size for you from one manufacturer may not be the same for all brands. You may be a 34D from brand A and a 32C from brand B...and somewhere inbetween for brand C!

Sounds complicated huh? Well, now you know why around 70% of women are getting it wrong right about now. Are you one of them? Let's find out...

Symptoms Of A Poorly Fitting Bra

If any of the following symptoms sounds familiar then you just might just be wearing the wrong size bra.

1) Back, Neck and/or Shoulder Pain

Lack of support from a bra which is either too big or otherwise doesn't offer enough support can cause pain and muscle tension in the upper body area particularly amongst larger chested ladies. Badly fitting bras have even been attributed to being a cause of headache amongst women as well.

2) Chaffing and Scratching

A bra should fit snugly and not slip or ride up at the back. A bra which is too large can rub and cause chaffing and irritation to the skin.

3) Red Marks and 'Digging In'

The symptom of a bra which is too small are the ugly red marks and signs of digging in it leaves behind after you remove it.

4) Bumps and Bulges

If you are bulging out over the top, bottom or side of your bra than you probably need a larger cup size as this is a tell tale sign your bra is too small.

5) Prominent Center Panel

The section between the cups at the front of the bra should lay flat against your body. It it does not, then you've got the wrong size.

If the above sounds familiar then you should seriously consider being re-measured to ensure you buy the right size bras in future. You can get this done professionally at most lingerie stores, or you do it yourself from home if you have a tape measure and know where to measure (there are plenty of pictoral measuring guides online).

Either way, get a correctly fitted bra and you'll see the benefits immediately, not just in terms of comfort but in terms of your health and wellbeing too.

Managing Stress without the Use of Drugs

Managing Stress without the Use of Drugs

In today's fast paced environment, many people are under a lot of stress. Women are even more susceptible to the strains of everyday life. Some are single mothers that work full time jobs and then come home and care for their baby. They are over worked, underpaid and under extreme stress.

Many women go to their family doctors complaining about headaches, lack of sleep and mood swings. The doctor will calmly explain to them that they have stress problems, and to take a few days off, and then prescribe them a drug to alleviate the symptoms.

While the drugs may work in the short term, it doesn't treat the root problems. When you stop taking the drug, the stress will still be present. And who has the time to put their feet up and relax, especially if you have a toddler causing mayhem at home?

So what are the alternatives?

Well there are many and we will explore a few of them in this article, but the first thing you have to do is figure out the cause of your stress. Stress can be caused by many things. What is stressful to one person can be joyful for the next. For instance, speaking in public can cause some people a lot of anxiety, but to some it is a joy.

Once you have located the reasons for your stress try to think of ways to alleviate it. Here are some more helpful tricks and tips for managing stress levels without the use of drugs.

Take a Deep Breath: The reason why stress causes headaches in a lot of cases is because when a person is under significant stress they will tend to breath shallowly, or hold their breath without even realizing it. Your muscles then get a lack of oxygen and you cramp up in such places like your neck and abdomen and you get a headache. Sometimes it just makes you feel uptight.

If you feel a headache coming on, or you feel uptight, stop and check your breathing. Take a few minutes to rest and take deep breaths through your nose and out through your mouth.

Talk to People: Being lonely is a terrible thing, and this can cause stress all by itself. Try joining a club or something you enjoy that will connect you to other people. Sometimes just talking and having fun can do wonders for your stress problems.

Regular Exercise: It has been scientifically proven that exercise helps relieve stress. Try joining a gym, or just going for a walk each night. You will boost your energy level making it easier to cope with the stress of daily life.

Managing Time: Nothing causes stress like being late for an appointment. Avoid this unnecessary stress by planning your day. Insure that you have enough time to get to all of your appointments. Maybe invest in a day planner.

Body Break: Your mind and body are one. Make sure that you eat proper nutritious meals, and sleep well at night. Avoid excess sugar and caffeine. These foods will give you a temporary high, but will cause you to crash later. A body that is properly maintained will be better able to cope with stress.

Avoid The Use of Illegal Drugs: Many people turn to alcohol and drugs to relieve their stress. While it may seem that these things are helping with your stress they are really harming you. Not only are they wrecking your body, but they are only a temporary fix. When you wake up in the morning, the problem that you were trying to escape will still be there.

Change Your Surroundings: Make sure that you are as comfortable as possible. If your chair at work is causing your back to hurt, change it. If your bed is causing backache and lack of sleep, change it. Why put your mind and body under stress that can be easily avoided.

Go to Your Happy Place: Try daydreaming for a minute if you feel stressed out. Imagine a sunny beach, or a quiet cottage. Imagine the tastes and sounds. A few minutes of imagined vacation can do wonders for your mental outlook, and relieve stress.

These are just a few techniques that will help you cope with your stress levels. Try concentrating on the positive aspects of your life, and not the negative. Without some stress life would be boring, but too much of anything can kill you.

Are all Men Unfaithful?

Are all Men Unfaithful?

“Men are all the same. Stop looking for Prince Charming, Dreamer!”

“We just can’t commit to one person! I Loooove Women!”

“I can’t help it! Women want me!”

“I almost went with this co-worker of mine years ago, and I feel some kind of regret today that I haven’t done it…”

“Caroline, I have an active sex life with my girlfriend. I look around because of the thrill of the chase!!!”

I hear this all the time…... I am sure that you have heard this once also. It is frightening. Maybe my actual boyfriend has been unfaithful and I just don’t know about it or I didn’t see the signs… or didn’t want to see the signs.

But why is it that so many men jump the fence? Is it because of an unsatisfying sex life? Or is it for that quest of lost Infatuation? Is it by perversion?

Another one of my friend thinks that I am too hard when I say that “Men” are “The” unfaithful ones because she says that it also takes another woman at the other end. She has a point. However, I observed that it usually occurs with a single women longing for loving and not sure if she really wants to leave her fabulous single life to settle down in a “white bread” relationship.

So, what is it then?

Yes, there are those Men who are just afraid of commitment. The only way that they reassure themselves that they still have that “Freedom” or “Masculinity” is by sleeping with someone else. Period. This has nothing to do with the level of quality of the relationship that they are currently involved in. Some need a higher dose of “Freedom” then others. Anyhow, who wants to be with a man who always is looking to prove to himself that he is “Free” or he is indeed a “Man”?

Also, there is the element of “opportunities”. Statistics have proved that the more the person is beautiful, in the standard of a community, the more the incidence of being unfaithful is increased.

Does it mean that we should only date Ugly people to reassure our insecurities?

I think not. Be aware that if you find someone beautiful, there are at least 15 other people out there who finds your mate attractive, whether he or she has a die hard body or just with a “few pounds to lose.” Beauty is within the eyes of the beholder.

The infidelity rate is slightly higher towards Women then Men. I was surprised when I read that but it actually does make sense. Women become dissatisfied easily compared to Men. And the dissatisfaction can be much more complex then a man can understand or fulfill. Also, women being part of an essential part of the work force, opportunities are more frequent then when they use to be homemakers.

Selfishness is also another indicator of your level of devotion. Selfishness does not care about the feeling of others and that feeling exits in the present only. It is an immature behavior that we are supposed to have evolved from at the teenage age. Think about it a little bit: when someone is unfaithful, in the moment, that person doesn’t think at all of the consequences or how the partner might feel!

I would say that, in the end, it is the commitment and the level of respect for yourself and your partner that determines if there will be less chances of infidelity within your relationship. With openness and caring of the feelings of your partner, you will be able not to be tempted by that chick at work, or that overly nice and somewhat handsome colleague at work.

So look for that person with a noble heart, a high level of maturity, who demonstrates admiration, respect and generosity towards you. This is a clear indication of a healthy shield towards temptation.

What Makes a Man Sexy

What Makes a Man Sexy

What makes a man appealling? Is it his dashing good looks? Is it his rock-hard pecs and abs of steel? Or is it his smile and his personality that takes the top plum? In a society where everyone seems aesthetically astute, it's difficult to validate this question for sure. Sexiness is a very subjective matter and is very relative at that. It holds inconsonant views from each individual just as everyone squabbles over tastes in clothes and food. Hence, a universal answer to this blown-up question is an illusion. Nonetheless, being in a magnificent relationship with someone so downright sexy replete with all the sensual and sensible traits any woman would kill for, I think I can provide authentic down-to-earth revelations regarding this subject.

So what makes a man sexy? Take your whiffs off the following:

1. Masculinity

There is more to a man than his firm butt and washboard abs. True, what a woman first notices is his anatomical assets but what lingers in her mind is not all that. It's his inherent masculinity. It's in the way he languidly struts across the room with a show of adequacy and grace and the way he flashes the glint in his eyes that ultimately creates the spark. It's also in the manner that he moves and talks that keeps women's eyes riveted at him. Being masculine does not merely suggest flaunting a large build or a protective quality but having this natural instinctive masculine self to trigger women's instinctive feelings of attraction.

2. Smile

A natural sweet smile is one of the greatest attraction of a man. It exudes an aura of congeniality and establishes charisma presence. It also breaks a woman's resistance and communicates hidden messages without any verbal language. This is why a man who is generous with his smile is guaranteed to maintain a women-magnet profile!

3. Eye contact

A man who knows how to have eye contact is a man who knows how to communicate. Women just like men are absolute attention seekers. They want men to listen and to take heed of the things they say. Thereupon, they demand affirmation. Eye contact is a way of ratifying. It makes a woman feel sufficiently attended to and cared for. Eye contact makes women feel so extremely special that they tend to sometimes melt right on the spot.

4. Confidence

Confidence makes a man. There's just something about the appeal of wealth and power that women can't resist. Antithetical to how most people view it, giving off that commanding vibe isn't always dependent on one's bank account. Men can actually take on that aura of authority just by moving through life with an air of self-assurance and a boost of self-esteem.

5. Aromatic sense

If a man is a making of a heartthrob onscreen and is a hunk on a ramp but stinks, he definitely goes down the cutthroat world. No woman likes a man who smells a bit too ripe like he just spent 24 hours locked in the bathroom. If a man looks good and smells even better, women are bound to swarm around him.

6. Sense of Style

Some men just don't seem the type to go with the fashion trend. But it does not mean that they are passe. Some just have their own personal preferences and resist the lure of punked-up garments. Actually, it's not the clothes that make a man sexy. It's how he carries his apparel with confidence and ease that does. Clothes don't entice women, it's the man that makes those clothes look good in him that wiles them.

7. Communication skills

Intellect is a factor in today's attraction equation. We are in such a competitive world that anyone without it is immediately slighted. But intellect without communication skills is not an attractive product. Conversational skills are necessary for any man to win the tilt. He must know when and how to start up a conversation and carry it on 'til it tapers off. He should not patronize women and is not so full of himself. It is believed that if a man is able to stimulate a woman's brain juices in a conversation, it is likely that he can stimulate her other juices as well.

8. Sensitivity

Sensitivity is sexy but too much sensitivity is feminity. So where do we draw the line? When we talk about sensitivity on the right scale, it means having a sense of empathy, confidentiality and trust rolled into one. When a woman confides something, a man's initial reaction is to help her find a solution or fix it himself. This is not sensitivity. When a woman expresses her feelings, she just needs an ear to insorb the steam out of her being. A sexy man sees this through and gets women everytime.

9. Sense of Humor

Laughter releases chemicals that create a sense of well-being, which is a wonderful turn-on. A man equipped with a good sense of humor automatically wins his points on the sexy scale with women. With the mighty use of his expression and wits combined, he becomes an addiction that women just can't get enough of. Women think that if he can evoke them with laughter in public, chances are he can also make them giggle in bed.

10. Oddity

Extrinsic and intrinsic personal abilities and traits that are considered unique and superior by a woman's biology and also by the society to which she identifies with are, to varying extents, very charming to the female species. If a man has the gift of music or have potential fancy footwork or simply has art at his fingertips, he can charm his way anywhere. A mysterious facade that keeps her intrigued and guessing is also deemed bewitching. But a man's resistance to a woman's seduction is considered the prime. It's effects are naturally ingrained into the "sex" part of a woman's brain that it drives her motors purring all the time.

What makes a man sexy is but everything about him and even more. Whether it be on the surface or skin deep, it's just a matter of projection. Every man is sexy in their own ways. They just have to feel that in themselves so the seething sexiness comes out of them naturally.

Love at first sight?

Love at first sight?

Yes, men think so...or is it 'lust' at first sight? How can a woman or man 'really' know?

If a woman thinks it is 'love at first sight', she may have found an incredibly 'hot' guy who matches her ideal social persona 'catch'. If this guy actually knows how to be a natural, all women will want him and she will have to fight with others to 'keep him' (I can teach you to be this man).

Otherwise most of them appear to be quite boring because they try to impress her and don't 'get it'. But when dealing with 'love at first sight', yes it might be, but then longer term dynamics start to sink in and kind of spoil it.

Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder, I mean, beholder.

'Love at first sight' is usually only perceptionally based if not in its entirety. No one can match up ideally to one person's expectation of who they are or who they should be. Once you find out more about them, you're going to be disappointed in what you thought they were. See how selfish we as people really are?!

Eventually you go through the hardships of a 'real' relationship and very very rarely will everything work out perfectly where the people are a real match (at least in our highly developed, opinionated, individualistic cultural society).

You are only throwing your perception or ideals on who you think that person is or should be (I have done this a lot in the past). We want a person to be the ideal match to what WE think they should be. Most often if not all the time, we find out they are not actually what we idealized and then are a little disappointed. A real relationship is going to take a lot of work and a lot more work than two 'simpler' people.

If you can spark attraction shortly after you meet a woman, there is a more realistic chance she will feel deeper emotions for you than her social persona (of what states what she says she wants) and she will often forgive your other misgivings as long as you understand natural attraction.

This is actually very generous of her because now, guys (way) below her level physically actually have a chance. The process of attraction is slightly different for men and women.

Men will often instantly disqualify women for a sexual relationship based on their looks (ahem), while women keep an open mind to see who knows how to make them 'feel' the feelings that they respond to so powerfully physiologically and emotionally. They are interested in a mans character attributes because that are things that can be of interest for the long haul.

These feelings have a biological root which she cannot choose or control. This is why an average looking guy who 'get's it' can have more of a chance than a good looking guy who easily proves himself wrong to her right away.

She will resent that most of her counterparts do not 'get it' yet but will be open to starting something with a man who finally can just 'lead her through' the natural process of attraction...then often sex 'just happened' or she got 'swept away'..this is the way it is supposed to be and that she fantasizes about (and reads in those sappy romance novels).

Don't be thrown off by what a woman says she wants if you are not that social reflection of her consciousness yourself, she is programmed biologically to react to men who are true naturals with her or who display aspects of being a natural. Do not let that stop you. Her biological inheritance (when in tandem with a true natural man) will override ANY social programming she may have, as long as he maintains true congruency and doesn't 'screw it up'.

If you are a natural you probably won't screw it up when you are reaching that part of her (there is much more leniency here). If you are 'walking on egg shells' by trying to be 'qualified' by her social persona, it's virtually a guarantee you'll screw it up even with any small move. Take the very ending of 'Boat Trip' where Roselyn Sanchez says to the wussy Cuba Gooding, Jr. character, "Ok, but you BETTER not screw it up."

Sure the movie ends with a kiss but who has the control here? Whose reality is he in? Love at first sight, but he is based in the wrong paradigm of 'being' that he WILL screw it up because of the power dynamics and several other factors (she is in control by far).

In fact, you will almost put aside the entire notion of 'love at first sight' because it's too romancey for you (although you may secretly keep that dream alive); but you understand reality a little more, that different relationships with different women are going to give you different experiences.

Of course you may be aware of lust at first sight with women you see most everywhere you go, but you really have to get to know her more to find out who she is, otherwise it is all just perception.

If you can develop yourself to look as good as you can and get your internal paradigm and life straight and clear, then you can naturally accelerate the process of attracting women and starting things with little effort. Your focus should really be on developing yourself and living in a natural paradigm, while denying all of the perceptual B.S. that is going on. Be an interesting and intriguing man and improve yourself; HAVE something to offer women who are lucky enough.

Your 'love at first sight' from their point of view only happens if you match their social ideal (and traditional ideal of Prince Charming) and then know how to take everything from there...then all women will want you. You do not have to be Prince Charming..that is another article, but remember how you relate to her says everything. She needs to be turned up like a volume knob and you have to interact with her to spark the process of sexual attraction and her interest will grow in you...through time, may lead to infatuation, love, great respect, devotion, passion, etc. from her.

It is all in how you relate to her so don't pay too much attention to having to have Brad Pitt looks, with Soros' bank account...that's the same as you wanting to date a supermodel, except you probably have a better chance than she does to meet your ideal because there are so few men left who really get it and are a great catch in their own right (with some nice social status to boot).

There are countless beautiful women. The advantage and favor is in YOUR hands. There are few men left who are awesome catches AND who know how to deal with these women. Make women want you just by being your true self at all times; an interesting, funny, great guy and know how to take it from there (I can help you there as well).

Are Women Really Superior to Men?

Are Women Really Superior to Men?

While doing my search for this idea, I came across something interesting on the web. At a hospital the relatives gathered in the waiting room, where a family member lay gravely ill. Finally, the doctor came in looking tired and serious.

Surveying the worried faces, the doctor said, "I'm afraid I'm the bearer of bad news. The only hope left for your loved one at this time is a brain transplant. It's an experimental procedure, very risky, you will have to pay for the brain yourselves."

The family members sat silent as they absorbed the news. After a great length of time, someone asked, "Well, how much does a brain cost?"

The doctor quickly responded, "$5,000 for a male brain, and $200 for a female brain."

The moment turned awkward. Men in the room tried not to smile; avoiding eye contact with the women, but some actually smirked. One man, unable to control his curiosity, blurted out the question everyone wanted to ask, "Why is the male brain so much more expensive?"

The doctor smiled at the childish innocence and said to the entire group, "It's just standard pricing procedure. We have to mark down the price of the female brains, because they've been used."

Keeping all kidding aside, let’s answer this age old question; evaluate what we know up to this point, scientifically as well as culturally. Are women really superior to men?

Now research is confirming that the brains of men and women are somewhat different. Studies show that human male brains are, on average, approximately 10 percent larger than female brains. Certain brain areas in women, however, contain more nerve cells.

We must pay special interest on the amount of “gray matter,” the part of the brain that allows us to think. The researchers wanted to know if women have as much gray matter as men or more to make up for the smaller brains. Later, it was proven that women have 55.4 percent gray matter, vs. 50.8 in men.

Men listen with only one side of their brains, while women use both, according to information on brain imaging presented in November 2002, at the 86th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).

Other research suggests that on average the female brain performs better on some skills, while the male brain executes other tasks at a higher level.

It makes sense that brains vary between the sexes. Each sex had a very defined role in ancient time, which helped ensure the survival of the human race. Cave men hunted. Cave women gathered food near the home, and cared for the children.

None of these show superiority, but does show that we are made differently, with different needs, and different ideas. Why do we then compare for superiority, or even expect the other to be just like us?

It is important to realize that man and women are made differently, for a reason. Especially women, need someone she can talk to, share her ideas with and grow with. Man need to hunt, to protect, not ask for directions when they are lost, or I should say just be Men.

In old times, especially in Asian and Eastern cultures, women had many disadvantages (compared to now). Male Emperors would marry many women. Society did not provide woman with many rights. Women were pretty much confined to their homes. However, despite of these disadvantages, there were few women who had access to that woman wisdom, or power. Now, what was the difference between those women, who found their power, vs. those who did not?

The answer is synergy. These powerful women were each other’s support. No jealousies, no putting other women down; just supporting each other to the best of their ability. In fact, when the male emperor would mate with one of his wives, other wives would take care of that wife ahead of time. Give her massages, feed her wonderful and healthy foods, talk to her, and provide her with all the emotional support that was needed.

Today, women have more rights, more freedom, better living conditions. They are lot more aggressive, but they still do not feel as empowered, peaceful and in control.

In today’s society, the concept of women bonding is pretty much lost. Even when a woman goes to different feminine organizations, her goal is networking, improving her business, and benefiting anything and everything, but herself.

If you pay close attention and realize that the difference between a plant, which is alive, and a plant which is dead, is the plant which is alive, is growing. In order for our children to survive, and humankind to flourish in the future, our children must evolve beyond us. In order for them to go beyond us, they need to understand life from all points of view, both male and female. That is why we are here, to teach, to guide, and to help the universe expand and evolve with our differences.

One day I was flipping TV channels where I came across one of those shows where a priest was giving a sermon. He asked something very interesting to his congregations. The question was, “What is the best thing a father can do for their children”? The answer was “Love their mother”. Now this is something I have learned all through my life in my family as to how much powerful a woman can be. I do not mean physically or even mentally. In fact, I grew up learning that my brothers were much smarter and stronger then I was. But there was always this converse of women power or women wisdom, which was always talked about, but was never clarified.

Many women do not realize that their superiority and strength comes from bonding with other women. Man can’t full fill all of your needs and desires. When it comes to emotional bonding, which usually comes from talking, sharing and connecting, girlfriends are the key. Cherish your friends, and specially your women friendships.

Both Man and woman need to be supportive and a source of strength for each other, but timing is the key. Women who have other women to bond with, to share with, to educate and grow with, have more peaceful marriages. These women do not desire to talk to their husbands as soon as he walks into the home, tired from work. In fact, they become source of strength and support for him.

More then half of the marriages end up in divorce in this country. Some time it feels that all the advancement are coming to us with a hefty price. More and more women find themselves helpless, in one form or the other. All it boils down to is that all the power and freedom did not come with the wisdom it required. Woman before us got us the power to move forward, now, it is our responsibility to add wisdom to this power before passing on to our next generation.

The difference between man and women are logical. It makes sense that brains vary between the sexes. Men tend to be more natural-born protectors while women are natural-born nurturers. When women use these natural abilities to form, cultivate, and foster business relationships, they can create lasting business associations in the business circle.

To answer the question, are women superior to men? The answer is, it does not really matter, if we choose not to use that power and wisdom already given to us. From the beginning of the time, only a handful of women are using their full power and wisdom. They understand, and choose to learn and choose to use their strengths. Whether you are a at-home mom or a working women, understanding and connecting with other woman, educating ourselves and truly supporting each other, will help us be who we naturally are, phenomenal women.

The Truth About Plus Size Beauty

The Truth About Plus Size Beauty

Some of the sexiest women in the world are considered on the heavy side. Can a woman who wears a size 12 dress and lifts weights to keep fit considered sexy?

Marilyn Monroe wore a size 12 dress. She actually lifted weights regularly to keep fit. Yet men found her incredibly sexy, a favourite pin up girl then, a sex symbol now, years after her tragic death.

When Jennifer Lopez first started out, her critics said she wouldn't fo far, because her behind was way too big. Undaunted, she flaunted her curvy bottom. Now, women are going for butt implants, to be just like her.

Guys like curvy women. Take Eminem's hit for example. Ass like that. It is basically about women with curvy bottoms. Plus size bottoms. Men do find big bottoms sexy. Plus size women can be sexy.

Seriously. How sexy is a skeleton? If a woman's bones are showing through her skin, is she really sexy? Yet women, from teenage girls to mature grown ups who should know better, are starving themselves just because of that dress size.

This thin is beautiful craze is relatively new. Primitive society regarded plump women as beautiful. Even classical master centuries ago created paintings of their beauties, who by todays standards are definitely plus sized.

Thankfully, the hour glass figure is one beauty ideal that still remains. Women with big breasts and big hips, but with a small waist have always been considered very attractive. If you are plus size to begin with, with a big bust and round hips, you can get that hourglass figure by wearing plus size corsets. That look still prevails now, with the countless women undergoing surgery in order to have bigger breasts.

On top of that, you can be plus size and healthy. Healthy women athletes who are big boned and muscular probably would not fit into regular clothes made for skeletons. Yet their bodies are strong, taut and sexy. Sure, some of the regular sized jeans might be too tight if you are a big boned runner, but you can still look gorgeous in good looking jeans meant for larger sizes. And forget about those pesky dress sizes. You can look amazingly sexy in beautiful plus size dresses like those found. These actually fit you and flatter your figure.

A size 14 is a plus size, but when a woman is tall and strong, with lovely hair, pretty features and inner beauty, she is very beautiful.

If you are plus size, celebrate your curves. Beauty is more than that number on the dress label. It is about your poise. Your confidence. The way you carry yourself. How well groomed you are. You hair. You features. The way you make the best of what you were born with. A glowing skin. A healthy body, regardless of the number on that label, is beautiful.

10 Situations where Men and Women Differ So Much!

10 Situations where Men and Women Differ So Much!

Joke from a Woman to another Woman "Some husbands are living proof that a woman can take a joke!"

Joke from a Man to another Man; "Men are Vain, They will check themselves out in the mirror. However women are ridiculous; they will check their reflections in any shiny surface, mirrors, spoons, shop windows."

Then why do YOU think women misunderstand men and vice-versa? One basic fact of life. Women and men are different. I am not talking about their physical attributes, but in their attitudes to relationships.

I am a man, writing this article. I have tried to be fair, but can I tell you ladies, I just can't understand you most of the time. But I am sure that most of you would answer, that you can't understand us men.

I have been guilty of most of the attitudes listed, especially the shopping which I hate. Therefore to go a little way in imparting some understanding, here are 10 situations where the thinking of men and women go in opposite directions;

1) ANGER: When Anger or another problem enters a relationship A woman will want to repair the situation or problem before any sex. A man will think that making love will make it all right again.

2) TOUCHING: For women touching without sex is comforting and very soothing. They find that the touching gives a warm feeling of security. However for men touching without sex can easily be misunderstood and he can even feel threatened.

Please understand that when men touch each other, it is in a rough manner. They slap or punch each other on the back. Tender touching makes many men feel vulnerable and dependent. These have been seen by men to be un masculine. Men find it uncomfortable with so much closeness. It makes them feel vulnerable.

However women are not comfortable without this type of intimacy.

3) TELEPHONE: Men use the telephone or mobile phone as a communication device. It is to send short messages to each other.

However women see the telephone differently. They use it to keep in touch with their friends supporting, helping and growing relationships. They are more interested in people and feelings than objects such as telephones and the latest video games.

4) SEX: When it comes to foreplay, women prefer 40-45 minutes of foreplay. However men on the other hand prefer 40-45 seconds of foreplay before sex

5) GOING OUT: When a man says he is ready to go out, it means he is ready to go out. However when a woman says she is ready to go out, it means she is ready, as soon as she finds her other piece of jewellery and makes just one more phone call.

6) SHOPPING: Women can shop all day and enjoy the whole experience. Its a chance to talk. They use talk to build and sustain connections with others. However men just want finish and close the situation. Its their nature. One can view this difference anytime with couples in shopping malls.

7) BATHROOMS: A man has on average around 5-6 items in his bathroom. A woman on the other hand has over 200 items in her bathroom. Make no attempt to ask a man to identify all these items.

8) DRESSING UP: A woman will dress up to go shopping, gardening, answer the phone, or get the post. A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.

9) CHILDREN: A woman knows all about her children. She knows about doctors and dentists appointments. All their friends, their favorite and not so favorite foods, plus their secret fears and their hopes and dreams. Most men, though not as many as years ago, are aware of some short people sharing the home.

10) TOYS: Little girls love to play with toys. Then when they reach the age of approximately 12, they seem to lose the interest. However, men NEVER grow out of their obsession with toys. As they get older, the toys simply get more expensive. One shopping channel has a section called "Big Boys Toys."

In ending this article I would like to stress the points Not all women are alike - Not all men are alike.

There have been great men and great women who have made this world such a better place. No matter what sex you are I leave you with this quote that applies to all of us.

5 Heart Healthy Exercises You Can Do During Pregnancy

5 Heart Healthy Exercises You Can Do During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of celebration, love, and unwanted but necessary weight gain. However, being pregnant doesn’t mean that your health and figure has to suffer permanent damage. You can gain weight in a healthy fashion while doing some very easy and safe heart healthy pregnancy exercise routines.

One of the simplest and most effective pregnancy exercises you can do is walking. Not only is walking one of the best cardiovascular exercises, it is also one of the safest pregnancy exercises you can engage in. Walking is one of the few pregnancy exercises that you can do for the complete duration of your pregnancy.

Another extremely beneficial heart healthy pregnancy exercise is swimming. Countless doctors and pregnant women have attested to the wonderful benefits of swimming during pregnancy. A weekly pregnancy exercise routine of swimming gives both the arms and legs a great workout while promoting cardiovascular health. Because of the nature of being subdued in water, swimming will also remind expectant mothers what it felt like before the pounds were added on. This is definitely a welcome change every now and then.

The third pregnancy exercise routine you can start doing to keep your body healthy is enrolling in an aerobics class. Many fitness centers and community centers offer low impact aerobics classes for pregnant women. One of the nicer benefits of this pregnancy exercise is that it is done in the company of other pregnant women under the watchful eye of a professional aerobics instructor. This means you are going to get a safe workout catered to the special needs of pregnancy.

Weight training is also a very beneficial pregnancy routine to keep your body healthy. Although you must only use very light weights when engaging in this pregnancy exercise, weight training is an excellent way of toning your body and increasing muscular strength.

The last heart healthy pregnancy exercise you can do to stay fit is Pilates/yoga. Both of these body conditioning exercises promote stretching and flexibility within the muscles. Yoga is also a nice accompaniment to walking. By doing a combination of these pregnancy exercises, you can have a healthy balanced cardiovascular routine.

Being pregnant doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice exercise and health. By walking, swimming, doing aerobics, weight training, and engaging in a Pilates/yoga routine, you can have a healthy and fit pregnancy.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

High blood pressure!? What!?

High blood pressure!? What!?

If you get scared every time you hear this expression “high blood pressure” you are right. And for you, who say you don’t care at all about that, you should consider revising your concepts.

High blood pressure is a silent disease that affects one in three adults only in United States and most of them don’t even imagine they have high blood pressure. And this is where the danger of this disease lies.

How can you treat a disease that you don’t even know you have? Well, you can’t. And that’s why in many cases you only find out when any side effect related to the high blood pressure happens to you.

In general, these side effects are: stroke, heart diseases and kidney diseases. When they happen, it is a sign that you have a serious problem with your blood pressure.

But you don’t have to be desperate. Frequent checkups and appointments with doctors may help you figuring out if you have high blood pressure or not. This is the best way to find out in advance if you have high blood pressure.

Finding it out in advance may represent the tenuous line between controlling the blood pressure and suffering the consequences of it. It is an important of he process of preventing the serious side effects that high blood pressure may cause to you.

Factors that affect blood pressure

It isn’t a secret for anyone that lifestyle is for sure one of the most factor that affect blood pressure. And this includes alimentary habits, physical exercises and stress.

Foods rich in fat and sugar contribute to elevate the blood pressure. Salt also plays a major role in it. Since the fat and sugar accumulate in the blood, the heart has to work more in order to pump the blood and eliminate it. This elevates the blood pressure.

The lack of physical exercises also contributes to elevate the blood pressure. If you don’t practice physical exercises, the chance of being overweight is bigger and this also contributes to elevate the blood pressure.

And the last factor of the daily life that contributes to elevate the blood pressure has to do with stress. It is another factor that may elevate in a significant way the blood pressure.

However, there are some things you can do – and you should do – in order to prevent high blood pressure.

Understanding the Types of Cholesterol

Understanding the Types of Cholesterol

While most people talk about “cholesterol levels” there is in fact more than one type of cholesterol. In fact, there are several different body functions and several different substances that make up our understanding of “cholesterol.”

As with some fats, cholesterol cannot be dissolved in the blood. Instead, molecules called lipoproteins carry cholesterol to and from cells. Molecules are made from an outer layer of protein and an inner core of both cholesterol and triglycerides, which is another form of fat.

Lipoproteins equip the cholesterol to move around the body. The two main types of lipoproteins are:

1) High Density Lipoproteins (HDL.)

• HDL transports cholesterol from cells back to the liver.

•HDL is either reused or converts to bile acids and disposed. This is known as "good" cholesterol. You want to ensure that your levels of this cholesterol remain high for optimum heart health, since having too low levels of HDL - even when other cholesterol levels are normal - may lead to heart problems. As you work to lower your “bad cholesterol” it is important to also take steps and to keep your HDL levels normal.

• HDL aids to ensure protection from the risk of heart attack and/or stroke. HDL consists of more protein than triglycerides or cholesterol, and aids to remove LDL from your artery walls.

2) Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL.)

•LDL carries approximately 60_70% of cholesterol around the body and are known as “bad" cholesterol.

• Studies show conclusively that high cholesterol leads to much higher risk of heart attack and/or stroke. Other factors involved in this risk are age, gender, smoking, family history of heart disease, and diabetes mellitus.

Obviously, when we speak of having “cholesterol levels” we mean more than one number. To maintain optimum health, you will need to know your levels of both LDL and HDL and will need to work hard to keep both levels in healthy ranges.

10 Tips On How To Lower Cholesterol

10 Tips On How To Lower Cholesterol

Seriously high levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL) represent a menacing cause of heart disease. By lowering the LDL level in your blood, you will automatically lower the total level of the cholesterol in your body (the HDL also known as the ‘good’ cholesterol and the LDL – the ‘bad’ cholesterol) and it will prevent the occurrence of heart disease. You can use a drug treatment to lower the cholesterol level, but you can also use a more healthy method – the dietary agents and food supplements that will lower your cholesterol in a natural way. In other words, a diet low in saturated fats and rich in fibres may help you lower cholesterol levels downwards to a normal limit.

We will offer you some piece of advice on what exactly to eat and what not to eat during a diet in order to lower cholesterol level. Keep in mind that this diet it is not very difficult to respect, it requires strength of will and determination to retain yourself from eating the ‘bad’ foods. The tips below should be followed for a period of one month, and then you should get your cholesterol level checked again to see the results of the diet.

1. The first thing you have to do is to reduce the amount of red meat in your daily alimentation. You will replace it with white meat (poultry) and fish which have a low fat level.

2. It is absolutely necessary for you to eliminate or at least to eat less saturated fats. This means that you should start having skimmed milk, low cholesterol spread or light cheese, instead of your normal foods. These light products may not be as tasty as the fat ones, but they care save your life.

3. A healthy diet means a healthy digestion. Foods that are high in fibre (like whole grain cereals or muesli) will eventually help you lower cholesterol by eliminating the dietary fats.

4. Stop frying your food and start grilling them. It prevents the loss of vitamins from the vegetables; therefore you will eat healthier.

5. Eating out can be a test for your determination to lower cholesterol. The best method to pass this test is to eat mainly in restaurants that are serving low cholesterol dishes. In order to avoid ruining your diet, you should ask for the dressings and gravies to be served separately so that you will control the quantity you are eating. Don’t eat them in excess. Try to eat a healthy salad instead of French fries. We know, it is not as tasty but it will lower the ‘evil’ cholesterol.

5. Stop being a ‘couch potato’, start exercising every day. You can do aerobics, you can walk or jog, you can even play basketball, but it is absolutely necessary for you to do it every day.

6. Tropical oils don’t do you good. If you want to get a lower cholesterol level you must start using vegetable oils (olive oil is the best choice) or canola oils.

7. Always read the label on the food products you are buying to be sure of what you are buying in terms of fats level.

8. Now let’s talk about alcohol. Drinking is not exactly your best activity during a diet, as it can ruin your efforts, but latest research has shown that a glass of red wine per day can lower cholesterol in some cases.

9. A cholesterol lowering medication if it is prescribed or recommended by a physician will have maximum effectiveness for your diet if you will respect it entirely.

10. And we saved the best for last. Always remember that a diet for reducing cholesterol level will definitely help you lose weight. Happy eating!

Healthy eating with fruits and vegetables

Healthy eating with fruits and vegetables

Dietary experts recommend that every person should eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. The importance of fruits and vegetables to a healthy diet has been known for quite some time, but studies have shown that very few people eat the amount of fruits and vegetables recommended for a healthy diet.

That’s a shame, since eating a sufficient number of fruits and vegetables just may be the single most effective thing you can do to improve your overall health. The five a day approach to healthy eating may be the single most important strategy you can adopt for a healthier lifestyle.

The many health benefits of eating fruits and vegetables have been established for quite some time now. Study after study has shown that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables lowers the risk of certain cancers, heart disease and other chronic diseases and conditions. Some studies have suggested that as many as 35% of cancer deaths can be attributed to diet, and that diets high in fats and low in fruits and vegetables contributes to unnecessary cancer deaths.

Fruits and vegetables have a lot of advantages besides just their nutritional importance. For one thing, they taste great and add a great deal of variety to everyday meals. Fruits and vegetables come in such a wide variety of colors, textures and flavors that they can be used in virtually every meal. Those seeking to maximize their consumption of fruits and vegetables should get into the habit of using fruits in salads, as toppings and as garnishes.

In addition to their great taste, fruits and vegetables are packed full of many essential vitamins and minerals, including many micronutrients that are not included in packaged vitamin supplements. For instance, foods like butternut squash, pumpkins, carrots, mangoes, peaches, pawpaws and green leafy vegetables are rich in beta carotene. Beta carotene is vital for healthy skin and eyes.

In addition, most varieties of fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C, another important vitamin and a strong antioxidant. Good sources of vitamin C include Brussels sprouts, citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, nectarines and kiwi fruit. Many fruits and vegetables, including spinach, broccoli and avocadoes, are also good sources of vitamin E, another excellent antioxidant.

Men and women alike should always strive to eat a healthy diet, but women have an extra incentive to get all the nutrition they need. Proper nutrition is essential to a healthy pregnancy, and some of the baby’s biggest nutritional needs happen before the pregnancy is discovered. Folic acid is perhaps the best known essential nutrient for pregnant women. Folic acid has been proven effective at preventing a variety of birth defects, including Spina Bifida. Good dietary sources of folic acid include Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach and oranges. In addition, due to its importance to women of child bearing years, many common foods such as cereals and breads, are supplemented with folic acid.

In addition to their importance as source of vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables also provide essential dietary fiber. Adequate fiber in the diet is important in preventing heart disease and some kinds of cancer.

Another great feature of fruits and vegetables, especially to those watching their weight, is the high nutrition, low fat, low calorie nature of these foods. Fruits and vegetables contain very low levels of fats, and a diet low in fat can be quite effective for long term weight loss. In addition, fruits and vegetables contain no cholesterol, and they are lower in calories than many other types of foods.

With all these things going for them, it is no wonder so many dietary experts recommend eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Not only are fruits and vegetables delicious and nutritious, but they can be quite inexpensive as well. Buying fruits and vegetables that are locally grown, and that are in season, is usually the most cost effective way to get the freshest fruits and veggies at the lowest possible cost.

This buying strategy also helps to ensure a steady stream of new fruits and vegetables every month, as some go out of season while others are just coming in. Trying a variety of different fruits and vegetables, including some you may not be familiar with, is also a great way to create exciting new dishes and prevent yourself from becoming bored with the same old diet. Whether your goal is to lose weight or just increase your level of fitness, it is hard to go wrong with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

the Importance of An Active Lifestyle

The Importance of An Active Lifestyle

Over the past 15 years or so, we have been told that a healthy lifestyle is important. Scientists recommend we should be accumulating on average 60 minutes of exercises a day in order to maintain healthy levels. What exactly does that number mean? Over the course of a regular day, we should be doing some sort of physical activity that adds up to approximately 60 minutes. Whether it is in the gym on the treadmill or just in the garden for the afternoon, adding physical activity is vital.

First we need to know what actually constitutes exercise. The term Healthy activity can be broken down in to three categories; Cardiovascular, Resistance, and Flexibility.

Cardiovascular training

It is recommended to do cardio 2 or 3 times a week. Depending on your fitness level., cardio can consist of a nice walk with your dog, or a vigorous run on the treadmill. Ideally you are trying to increase your cardio capacity. which has many health benefits.

Resistance Training

Part of living an active lifestyle is by doing some sort of resistance training at least 2 times a week. That doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym and lift weights, you can easily do it at home by doing movements as simple as pushup and sit-ups, or by using something like resistance bands. Resistance training is just as important as cardiovascular activity and adds to your overall physical health.

Flexibility (stretching)

After you exercise, it is recommended you stretch for roughly 10 minutes, holding each stretch for 15-30 seconds. Stretching is crucial to maintain flexibility and reduce the chance of injury from exercise.

Benefits of Exercise

So now we know that working out is important, but what are the actually benefits of living an active lifestyle? Below are just 5 of the countless benefits of being active.

Reduces the Risk of Dying Prematurely -

Those living a healthy active lifestyle live longer compared those who are more sedentary.

Lowers the risk of developing diabetes -

Exercise keeps body fat in control and helps regulate sugar levels

Increase muscular strength -

Having an increase in strength helps make daily activities less difficult.

Helps reduce the risk of heart disease -

Regular exercise strengthens the heart, respiratory system, and lungs which aids to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Decreases Body Fat -

Exercise along with a balanced diet will reduce body fat significantly.

As you can see there are many excellent benefits of living an active lifestyle. By adding a small amount of cardio, resistance training and some stretching to your daily routine, the overall benefits are almost endless. Essentially being healthy is about adding balance to your life. You don’t have to be a Lance Armstrong, or a Venus Williams to be considered active, you just have to add some extra activities to you routine.